The Hound and the Foxes by John Alanis Print
Written by John Alanis   

Hey guys,

Many years ago I had a friend who had a knack for meeting women
where other men couldn't.  He wasn't especially good looking, nor
was he exceptionally intelligent, but he had a talent for simply
"seeing" what other men could not.

Every week or two he had a new woman he was dating, and he often
dated three or four at a time.  Yes, it led to all kinds of crazy
stories and problems but the one thing my friend never was, was

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He was a hound, and he always seemed to find where the foxes were
hiding, when smarter, richer, better looking men than he couldn't
find them.

You see, he would look for women wherever he went, not necessarily
to date, but to make friends with.  He was very good at making
every woman he met feel special, and as a result these women would
refer their friends and daughters to him.

That way he was able to "date through" women he never otherwise
could have had any romantic relationships with because they were
clients, business partners or employees.  But because he made them
feel special AND he made the women they referred to him feel
special, he had women referred to him he never otherwise would have

So if you're having problems meeting women, take a lesson from the
hound--every woman you meet is not just a potential dating or
relationship partner, she's also a referral machine.

Women just love to fix their friends up with other guys, and they
know exactly where to meet women.  So, the secret of the hound was
this:  he didn't know where to meet women, and he didn't care; but
he did know women who knew how to meet women and that's all that

Take a lesson from the hound, and soon enough you'll meet more
foxes than you know what to do with.

On with the fun....

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS Never be rejected by women again!  Go to: find out how.

PPS Pay close attention to this afternoon's--I'm going to be making
a special announcement, something you do NOT want to miss.

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