Are You Out of Place With Women? Print
Written by John Alanis   

Make a woman feel chemistry.

Hey Guys--

I received a rather interesting email from a man today, wondering
if he could be attractive because he doesn't like the kind of music
women his age do.

If you've been on my list awhile, you know the answer to that
question... but keep reading below, and you'll get my surprising take
on it.

Do you HATE rejection by women?  Imagine a life of no heartbreak or
misery, only fun and joy with the women YOU choose to have in your
life on your terms.  For a whole new approach to dating, women, and
relationships, go to
to discover how to lead a lifetime of power, success, and choice
with women

My name is Cory and I am 25. Most good looking girls my age listen
to rap and hip hop. I myself do not listen to that music. How am I
supposed to still be attractive when I don't know any of that music
and I don't like it. I feel like I come off as being kinda out of
place with this.


JA:  Thanks for the email, Cory.  I'll tell you a big secret:  I
don't listen to rap or hip hop either.  I don't listen to today's
whiney alternative garbage.  I don't listen to country.  I listen
to loud, heavy metal music from the 80's that is sadly long out of
the consciousness of most women.  And you know what?  None of it

What matters is your ability to make a woman feel the elusive
feeling of chemistry they all crave.  That's it.  That feeling
comes from how you interact with them, and part of that interaction
is you taking the lead.  The attitude that you should exude is,
"wherever we are is the place to be."  Forget external validation
from other sources--that's for posers and wanna be's, not real men.
When you can make a woman feel chemistry, suddenly she worries
about being out of place because she doesn't know your music, as
well as a myriad of other things.

Attraction is all about making women feel chemistry--do that, and
nothing else matters.

On with the fun,

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS  Be sure to check out my witty saying of the day (it comes with
a picture of a hot woman, and you've got to see today's), one line
of wisdom, sarcasm and entertainment on my new blog at
It's so cool you'll want to pass it around and leave your own witty
saying--see if you can top mine!

PPS Questions?  Comments?  Send them to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Oh, and hey, forward this email to your friends, too--don't leave
them out of the fun!

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