The Flash Crash Explained? Print
Written by John Alanis   

Develop the skill of mental toughness.

Hey Guys--

There was a rather interesting article on the CNBC website today
regarding the "flash crash" that happened in the stock market
several months ago.

For those of you not familiar with it, the Dow Jones dropped 600
points in a matter of minutes, before retracing and recovering most
of that loss.

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Ever since then, every squealer, conspiracy theorist, theoretical
physicist and wall street professional has weighed in with their
opinion.  Pontificators have pontificated that investor confidence
is shaken, and that steps must be taken for it to never happen

Now, consider this.  Consider if the opposite had occurred.
Consider if the market had risen 600 points in a matter of minutes.

Do you think there would be that much angst?  Of course not.
People would be giddy.  It'd be celebrated as a banner day on Wall
Street.  Investors would be praying for it to happen again.  Yet it
would be the same statistically weird event.

Nobody ever questions anything when things are going good--that's
why bubbles expand, then burst...everyone has to get in on the good

Yet, everyone panics when things "go bad" squealing for measures to
be taken so it will never happen again.  The weak (most people)
expect that things should always be good, never bad and are floored
when "bad" things happen.

Here's the truth: the more things you do to become successful, the
more "bad" things are going to happen to you. It's just the way the
world works.  Few people want to embrace that, instead choosing to
let "bad" things derail them.

But every successful person recognizes that the more you do to be
successful, the more adversity you will face on a daily basis.
It's just part of the game, nothing personal.  But what successful
people do that the weak do not is develop the skill of mental
toughness to deal with it.  In fact, they ignore the emotional
reaction when something bad happens because it's expected.

That's the skill you must develop if you want to be an attractive
man.  You see, no matter how attractive you are, no matter how
skilled you are, things will always go wrong with women.  Always.

The man who is successful puts the bad things aside because he
knows that when he wades through enough BS, something good will
eventually happen...because you cannot disassociate "bad things" from
good things.  They are both sides of the same coin--you can only
embrace them and expect them.

On with the fun,

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS  Be sure to check out my witty saying of the day (it comes with
a picture of a hot woman, and you've got to see today's), one line
of wisdom, sarcasm and entertainment on my new blog at

It's so cool you'll want to pass it around and leave your own witty
saying--see if you can top mine!

PPS Questions?  Comments?  Send them to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Oh, and hey, forward this email to your friends, too--don't leave
them out of the fun!

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