Celeb Justice Vs. Regular Person Justice Print
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What do you think of this case? Please feel free to comment and if you are not familiar with the case, please read below for a summary and google the Oscar Pistorius case for more elaborate details.

"Oscar Pistorius on Friday in a South Africa courtroom was found guilty of culpable homicide, or negligent killing, in the shooting death of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. In her lengthy review that began Thursday, Judge Thokozile Masipa found Pisotirus not guilty of murder and premeditated murder.

On Friday, she ordered Pistorius to stand before she delivered the culpable homicide verdict. (Culpable homicide is similar to involuntary manslaughter in America.) It was reported that he showed no emotion as he was handed his fate.

His sentencing will take place Oct. 13 and will be determined by the judge. It can range from a suspended sentence and a fine to up to 15 years in prison. Immediately after the verdict, Pistorius was placed in a holding cell before being released on bail.

Pistorius was also convicted on one of three unrelated firearm charges. Judge Masipa ruled that the athlete was guilty of unlawfully firing a gun in a public place when a friend’s pistol he was handling discharged under a table in a restaurant in Johannesburg in early 2013 – weeks before Steenkamp’s killing.

Pistorius was acquitted on two other gun charges, including a count of firing a gun in public and a count of illegal possession of ammunition in the Pretoria home where he killed Steenkamp." - via People Magazine