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4. Now - How is it that FLOATING like this will
turn your "negative" attitude into something that
will attract a man?

Because it's not your FEELING or your
"attitude" that's blocking a man's attraction to

It's your attitude ABOUT your feeling!

So as soon as you FLOAT, you GIVE IN to the
feeling - whether it's anger, or sadness, or even
despair - and the "attitude" goes away!

Tears flowing down your face isn't an
"attitude," it's a Feeling - and it's LOVELY, SEXY
and MAGNETIC to a man.

Because the moment you give in and give
yourself up to your feelings, and just FEEL your
feelings, you become VULNERABLE - and then a man

And as soon as he FEELS you, HE feels SAFE with

He can't help himself.

It's like an instant connection that just
"happens" for him.

In that moment of floating - you've become

You've become AUTHENTIC.

You've become a MAGNET for a man.

You've become the SIREN you already are!

So try this FLOAT Tool, and let me know how it
works for you.

If you'd like to get some more free help,
including some important tips on how to get to a
man's HEART instead of his "head" (which gets you
NOWHERE with a man), read what I wrote about my
Modern Siren program right here:


"The Modern Siren" is filled with Tools you can
use every moment of every day in an easy and FUN
way that will get you results with men beyond your
wildest dreams.

You'll feel men coming TOWARD you - no matter
how you think you look, no matter how you think
you're feeling, and no matter WHAT.

Through my Modern Siren program, you'll also

*>> The FATAL mistake that 99.99% of women
make when trying to get to a man's heart and
how to turn that around immediately

*>> How to rekindle your man's interest -
get him listening to you, watching you,
following you around, and thinking about you





