Home Blog Dating Phonies, fakes, and wanna be’s
Phonies, fakes, and wanna be’s PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Need a whole new approach to dating.

Hey guys,

Last night I was flipping through the channels when I landed on
Spike TV.  They were airing a "Rock Band" contest, where three
different "bands" competed to see who was the best at the Rock Band
Video Game.

It was, to be understated, pathetic.  Three groups of soft, lazy
wanna be's competing to see who could best mimic a great band is a
reflection of how low today's men have sunk.

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Back in the 80's when I grew up there was something called Battle
of the Bands.  That's where a bunch of different bands (who played
their own instruments and wrote their own songs) competed to see
who was the best.

They had to learn to work hard together and to play together.  They
had to be dedicated, and they had to be willing to face failure and
ridicule.  They had to learn to work as a team, or fail as a team.

Most of them, quite frankly, did fail.  But they learned some
valuable lessons along the way, lessons that helped many of the
band members to succeed in future areas of their lives.  And
whatever else may have happened, they were above all real, genuine,
and authentic.  They were men.

Watching the "Rock Band" competition reminded me how far the male
of the species has fallen, starting in the 90's.  Instead of
creating something original, and putting in the time, energy, and
effort to learn how to play real instruments, they took the easy
way out, took the shortcut.

They had no energy, no attitude, no fist pumping charisma.  They
were fakers of the worst sort.

Now don't get me wrong--I actually like the Rock Band and Guitar
Hero video games.  They are bringing back real rock and roll to the
younger generation, putting them in touch with a long past era they
missed out on, giving them an opportunity to discover what real
music was all about.

But the leap they need to make (and to their credit, many of them
ARE making this leap) is to playing real instruments, with real
music, in front of a real rock-n-roll audience that demands power,
energy, and charisma.

That's what separates the men from the boys, and the winners from
the wanna be's.

Those who pay the price, those who put in the time, energy, effort,
sweat, blood, tears, and heartbreak to succeed are the ones who
come out on top in any area of life.  Everyone else is just a cheap

On with the fun....

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS  What's the one big secret to success with desirable women?  Go


...right now to discover this amazing secret.





