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Is It Just Plain Hopeless? PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Build an attraction that lasts long.

Too many men go through life feeling physically weak and deathly
afraid of physical confrontation should it be required to protect
himself OR the woman in his life. Lookit, being able to defend
yourself AND protect a woman, if needed, is something all men
should be concerned about and knowledgeable in. Don't worry... this
does NOT mean you need to become some muscle head or be in the best
physical shape. I want you to read something that I personally did,
and I want you to see how easy it can be to become a "human
weapon". Read everything here:

Hey Guys--

It really is an age old question.  If a woman lays the dreaded
Let's Just Be Friends line on you, is it possible to rebuild any
attraction at all?

Read the question, and my answer below for a rather surprising

Do you HATE rejection by women?  Imagine a life of no heartbreak or
misery, only fun and joy with the women YOU choose to have in your
life on your terms.  For a whole new approach to dating, women, and
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to discover how to lead a lifetime of power, success, and choice
with women

Hey John--

Please for my piece of mind confirm that LJBF (Let's Just Be
Friends) is the bell that truly can't be un-rung. I've heard one or
two success stories but the rule is that your only option is to
hang your head and go away right? I really f'd up royally and did
almost every single thing you're not supposed to.

I play fine with all the girls that have never mattered but with
the one that did I made every douchey terrible mistake imaginable.
Lost an incredible friendship (cause we all know that trying to
keep that after the emotions and the LJBF is a bad idea).

I just really need to know I did the right thing by identifying it
as unsalvageable and then cutting it off completely (yes and for
good)? Thanks for taking the time to verify my sob story for me.
Never again one-itis. Never again gonna make the mistakes just
gotta know that this one can't ever turn back around.


JA:  Thanks for the email. You can set your mind at ease--it is
ALMOST impossible to undo the dreaded LJBF, because when you hear
that, it means she has no feelings of attraction or chemistry for
you.  Best to withdraw for awhile, and use your talents elsewhere.

However, note the word "almost."  It is possible to disappear for
awhile, then reappear with a different look and demeanor, calming
rebuilding the attraction from step one, while appearing not do so.
It is a seducer's art, and a difficult skill to learn, but it can
be done.  The question to ask yourself is, is it worth learning the
skill, or using your time to find another, better woman?

The answer is almost always to look elsewhere, but again, note the
word almost...

Oh, and I like the "piece of mind" reference... Up the Irons!

Too many men go through life feeling physically weak and deathly
afraid of physical confrontation should it be required to protect
himself OR the woman in his life. Lookit, being able to defend
yourself AND protect a woman, if needed, is something all men
should be concerned about and knowledgeable in. Don't worry... this
does NOT mean you need to become some muscle head or be in the best
physical shape. I want you to read something that I personally did,
and I want you to see how easy it can be to become a "human
weapon". Read everything here:

On with the fun,

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS For best value, I recommend my Ultimate System:

When you can make a woman do this, you have power that FEW men
have: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Cq0nZ&m=1c0sa76UM8WNvn&b=Ll_HhvqhiCWIr_B_7SeOSA

PPS  Be sure to check out my witty saying of the day (it comes with
a picture of a hot woman, and you've got to see today's), one line
of wisdom, sarcasm and entertainment on my new blog at
It's so cool you'll want to pass it around and leave your own witty
saying--see if you can top mine!

PPPS Questions?  Comments?  Send them to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Oh, and hey, forward this email to your friends, too--don't leave
them out of the fun!

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