Home Blog Health & Fitness No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished- Why?
No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished- Why? PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Beware of who you help

Ever been cheated on? Ever been used by a woman? Ever been
heartbroken? Most men have and it's awful. Completely gut
wrenching. But I have a gift for you today. I decided to record a
free CD, as a gift to my readers, that discusses how you can END
cheating and betrayal by women. This is your gift- from me. But it
won't be available for long. Go here now: 
Hey Guys,
Every day it seems like I hear a story from a friend, or get an
email from someone sharing with me how they helped someone out,
only to get screwed by them months later.
And every time I tell them the same thing, "No good deed ever goes
unpunished."  But why? Why do people you go out of your way to help
out, wind up going out of their way to screw you in the future?
What if everything you ever thought you knew about dating and
relationships was just plain wrong?  Would you keep doing the same
things and getting the same results?  Or would you try something
new and radically different?  To stop dating, and
start living, go to
before this site is removed.
The answer has to do with why they needed help in the first place. 
If you seriously examine the jam you helped them out of, you'll
usually discover they got themselves into it due to their behavior.
Not only that, you'll often uncover other jams they've gotten
themselves into due to bad behavior.  Behavior usually doesn't
change, hence another saying, "A leopard doesn't change its spots."
So, when you do a "good deed" for someone with a proven track
record of bad behavior, you should not be at all shocked when they
turn around and screw you.
It is, after all, what they do, and why they needed help in the
first place.  Also, many people who do "good deeds" do so because
it makes them feel important and superior, and the person they
helped out secretly resents them because they feel small.
Should you avoid doing "good deeds" for people?
In many, many situations, the answer is yes because you will get
punished for it later, and the person you did the good deed for
will just get themselves into another jam in the future.
However, if you closely examine the situation, and that person has
a track record of good behavior AND you give them the opportunity
to repay you in the future, then good deeds usually turn out OK.
You've identified they have good patterns of behavior, and you've
avoided making them feel inferior by affording them the opportunity
to repay you in the future, and deal with you as an equal, not a
Sadly, these cases are more the exception than the norm, so the
next time you feel a compulsion to do a "good deed" for someone
without thinking it through, remember... no good deed ever goes
Ever been cheated on? Ever been used by a woman? Ever been
heartbroken? Most men have and it's awful. Completely gut
wrenching. But I have a gift for you today. I decided to record a
free CD, as a gift to my readers, that discusses how you can END
cheating and betrayal by women. This is your gift- from me. But it
won't be available for long. Go here now: 
On with the fun....
-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS It's the one big secret to attraction:


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