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This is a no-brainer. If she does (and most
women do), she'll say, "Yes." You're just treating
the "yes" as if she said, "Yes, I'll give it to
you..." It's a smooth, easy way to ask a "low
risk" question, and have a woman be the one to
MOST likely give you her information.

-   Email is considered "safe."

I mean, what are you going to do, send her 100
emails a day? Ooooohhh, scary.

-   You're waiting until she's actually in the
MIDDLE of writing down her email for you to ask
her to also write her number down.

This makes it FAR more likely that she'll give
you her number. At this point she's already
demonstrating to you and her that she's OK with
you contacting her again... and since she's
ALREADY writing, she's very likely to just KEEP
writing... her number.

3) The "Do You Have A Card" Variation

You can also ask, "Do you have a card?" if you

This is a classy, low risk way to ask a woman
for her contact information.

Now, a lot of women DO NOT have cards, so
you're going to need th e follow-up for when she
says, "No, I don't have one on me"... such as
"Well, invent one for me!"

This is funny, charming, and smooth.

Just take out a pen, and hand it to her.

She'll know what to do.

4) Be Ready

Probably half to two thirds of the time, a
woman will just write down her email for you.

It's AMAZING how easily women will give out
their email addresses.

But sometimes you'll meet with resistance.

I can't go into all of the millions of possible
scenarios, but I will talk about the most COMMON

Probably a quarter of the time, a woman will
say something like, "I don't give out my email to
people I don't know" or "I don't even know you"

This one used to REALLY stump me... until I
found a simple solution...

Here it is: Just point to the paper, and say
"Write it down."

If she keeps resisting, make a joke.

Say, "It's OK, just write it down. I'll only
email you every five minutes for the next month."

The SIMPLE "Write it down" works wonders.





