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Written by John Alanis   
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If You're Constantly "Controlling" Your Feelings Around Him...What To Do.
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Start with a sensation if that helps - "I
feel TENSE in my tummy."

7. Now - ask yourself - What am I angry at?

8. You might have to leave the room to go write
this down or just process it. Just tell him you
don't want to argue and leave to go talk to

9. If the answer to your question is "I'm angry
at HIM, for doing.......fill in the blank here,"
then you're halfway there!

10. Now, say out loud exactly what you're mad
at him for.


Cross out anything that says YOU or HIM, and
only leave in sentences that say "I feel...."
(you'll find the template for how to do this in
the eBook, and then I go into more detail in the
Toolkit and Reconnect).

It might look like - "I feel so sad." Or "I
feel so frustrated." Or "I feel so lonely."

12. Now STOP talking, and just listen to him.

13. No matter what he says, listen.

If you can do this the next time you feel an
argument starting, you will change everything
between you and your man.

If you can do this the next time you're even
THINKING about how ANGRY you are, you'll be
lifting your self-esteem.

And please, if you're able to do ANY of this,
for even a few "Rounds" with him (Talking instead
of Boxing), then please pat yourself on the back,
give yourself a huge hug, and go do something nice
for yourself.

And you'll be on your way to the relationship
you want and deserve.

If you're angry - do something about it! Take
action for yourself, to heal yourself, to stop
tolerating what you've been tolerating - and share
your feelings in an open, truthful way that WORKS
with a man.

It will bring him closer and repair the

Through my "Reconnect" audio CD program, I will
teach you exactly what to do and what to stop
doing to rekindle the passion, intimacy and
connection between you that feels so lost.

I'll show you how simple it is to change your
words and body language so your man will do
whatever it takes to reconnect with YOU, rather
than you constantly struggling to connect to him.

This is 6 full hours of material, and me
guiding you each step of the way.

In "Reconnect" you'll learn:

-- Specific techniques to undo the damage, reverse
all the mistakes, and create an unbreakable bond
with your man that will keep him devoted to you

-- The most common mistakes you're probably making
right now (because nearly ALL women have been
taught the wrong approach) - you think doing these
things will bring a man closer, but they actually
push him away

-- The best ways to express your feelings and
fears that will draw a man closer to you, no
matter how distant he seems right now

Learn more or order your copy by clicking on this


Let me know how you're doing, so I can write
these eLetters to help you as much as I can in
your specific situation - I love hearing from you.

Love, Rori

P.S. Are you angry because he doesn't appreciate
what he has in you, and is acting wishy-washy
about committing himself to you?

Don't spend another minute feeling bad about this!

Take a moment and read what I wrote about why men
commit and what can trigger them (it's not because
he doesn't love you or doesn't think you're not
"good enough"):


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