Home Blog Dating What Playing The Stock Market and Attracting Women Have in Common
What Playing The Stock Market and Attracting Women Have in Common PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Emulate the successful trader when it comes to women

Hey Guys--

I just returned from a very interesting seminar on trading (stock
market, options, commodities, etc.) put on by two fellow marketers
who do very well practicing what they teach.

However, the most interesting part of the event was not the
mechanics of trading--it was the psychology.

Do you HATE rejection by women?  Imagine a life of no heartbreak or
misery, only fun and joy with the women YOU choose to have in your
life on your terms.  For a whole new approach to dating, women, and
relationships, go to http://www.elitematelove.com
to discover how to lead a lifetime of power, success, and choice
with women

Trading is all about probabilities, and making trades only when the
odds are in your favor.  But that does not mean you will make money
on every trade.  In fact, you will often lose money, and most
traders are not comfortable with that.

They look at each trade individually, not as a data point in a long
series of trades, and many take it very hard when they lose money
on a trade.  They question themselves and their analysis, and
oftentimes are too emotional to execute the next trade.

Hmmm, sound familiar in another area?

Yep, when it comes to attraction most guys do the same thing.  They
get some really good tools to learn the skill.  They think they
should succeed every time.  They see the perfect opportunity to
attract a beautiful woman, they say and do all the right things
and... she's not interested.

They're crushed.  Devastated.  They question themselves.  They
avoid talking to another woman, wondering what went wrong.

What did go wrong? The answer is simple:  nothing.  Not a damn
thing.  You see, no matter how good you are, no matter how
attractive you are, many women are not going to be interested.  It
has nothing to do with you.  They're just not--it's the way of the

The difference between the successful trader and the trader who
fails is the successful trader focuses on successful execution of
the trade.  He knows at times he will lose money and this does not
bother him in the least.  He knows at times he will also make
money, and this does not excite him in the least.  The only thing
that excites him is successfully executing his system each and
every time, devoid of emotion.
The same thing pretty much applies to the man who is successful
with women, although when he is successful he is emotional (you
cannot and should not take the emotional component out of
interacting with women).

If he does not attract a woman he's interested in, it has no effect
on him--it's happened to him many, many times before and will again.
It's just reality.  He easily moves onto the next "setup" knowing
he will eventually be successful.

Emulate the successful trader when it comes to women, and avoid the
habits of the trader who fails--you will soon be a very successful
man when it comes to women.

On with the fun,

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS  Be sure to check out my witty saying of the day (it comes with
a picture of a hot woman, and you've got to see today's), one line
of wisdom, sarcasm and entertainment on my new blog at
It's so cool you'll want to pass it around and leave your own witty
saying--see if you can top mine!

PPS Questions?  Comments?  Send them to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Oh, and hey, forward this email to your friends, too--don't leave
them out of the fun!

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