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The 13 Words Any Man Would Hate to Hear PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Maintain iron control over your emotions

Image by JUAN FERNANDO YECKLE from Pixabay

What's the worst thing a man can hear?

Is it "let's just be friends?"

What if everything you ever thought you knew about dating and
relationships was just plain wrong?  Would you keep doing the same
things and getting the same results?  Or would you try something
new and radically different?  To stop dating, and
start living, go to http://www.elitematelove.com
before this site is removed.

Or perhaps, "I just don't think of you in that way."

Maybe even, "I want a divorce."

Now, while no man wants to hear any of those, there's one that may
be even more ominous:  "Hi, my name is Joey Greco, and I'm with the
television show Cheaters."

Yah.  Hear those words, and hilarity is about to ensue... as long as
you're not the object of that hilarity.

If you haven't watched the show Cheaters on G4, it's worth tuning
into once a month (and that's it).  Consider it like eating a Big
Mac, or a huge plate of cheese fries--pure junk food with no
redeeming nutritional value whatsoever, yet oddly satisfying in the

The premise is simple:  people who suspect their significant others
of cheating on them contact the show, the show puts a private
detective on the alleged cheater, an airtight case is built via
video evidence, and said cheater is confronted by the cheatee (and
Cheaters) live and on camera.

As Tucker Max would say, hilarity ensues.

There are, however, valuable lessons to be gained from watching the
show.  None of the victims of infidelity give a second's thought to
what might be gained from a confrontation--they just want to jump up
and down, holler and scream, and demand a "reason."

It's a perfect display of how the weak minded fold under duress and
lose their ability to think clearly.

Look, if the woman in your life is cheating on you, you're going to
do one of two things:  keep her or break up with her.  That's it.
If you decide to let her go, the faster and less dramatic you do it
the better.  If you're going to keep her, the less dramatic you do
it the better.

In other words drama serves no purpose here (except, of course, for
the show) and will only worsen the situation--yet everyone in that
situation chooses drama.  They cannot resist it.

So, the lesson here is this:  you will encounter stressful
situations during your life.  Most people will crater under these
situations.  But if you make it a point to maintain iron control
over your emotions in the moment and think through to your desired
end game,  you'll have a huge advantage over others, and wind up in
far fewer negative situations.

And, you will never have to worry about hearing, "Hi, my name is
Joey Greco, and I'm with the television show Cheaters."

On with the fun...

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS To claim your copy of the free How to Get a Girlfriend CD, just
go to:


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