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The Fragile Male Ego PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Toughen up your ego.

Hey Guys--

Perhaps men have always had fragile egos when it comes to women.  I
can't say for sure, but I can say this for sure:  every year they
get more and more fragile.

Talk to any woman (especially married ones) and she'll regale you
with horror stories about telling a man the simple truth, then
watching him fly off the handle, whining about being disrespected
or some other nonsense.

Do you HATE rejection by women?  Imagine a life of no heartbreak or
misery, only fun and joy with the women YOU choose to have in your
life on your terms.  For a whole new approach to dating, women, and
relationships, go to http://www.elitematelove.com
to discover how to lead a lifetime of power, success, and choice
with women

You know what happens when a man does that to a woman?  She stops
telling him the truth, and starts telling him what she wants to
hear...and then gets her needs met elsewhere.

Lookit, if a woman honestly tells you something you may not want to
hear, then the best thing you can do is shut up, think about it,
and take action to correct it.

Many years ago I was a member of a Toastmaster's group, and was
pretty good from the front of the room.  Women in the audience were
attracted to me, but whenever I hung out with them, I reverted to
the nice guy I though women wanted.

Guess what?  They didn't want to hang out with me anymore, but most
would never say why.  Then one of them said, "To be honest with
you, I like you more from the stage then I do in person, and that's
just the truth."

Did it hurt to hear that?  Yes, a bit, but.....as soon as she said
it, I "got it."  And that one honest statement by an honest woman
was one of the big turning points in my attraction career.

If I'd been like most men with a fragile ego, I would have
blustered and whined, accusing her of "disrespecting me."  Thank
God, I didn't, and thank God I listened.

When a woman tells you something honest you don't want to hear,
you'd better believe it's something important.  Most women know how
men react to such things, so if she tells you, it's pretty serious.
You'd better pay close attention and take action.

Fragile male egos kill a lot of relationships.  Truly tough guys,
guys who are good with women, can handle setting their ego aside,
and listening to what a woman tells them.  Even if what she says
makes them feel bad temporarily, acting on it will lead to good

So, toughen up your ego.  Let the girlie men revel in their
fragility.  Real men are comfortable with bruised egos... after all
the more it's bruised, the tougher it gets when it's healed.

On with the fun,

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS  Be sure to check out my witty saying of the day (it comes with
a picture of a hot woman, and you've got to see today's), one line
of wisdom, sarcasm and entertainment on my new blog at

It's so cool you'll want to pass it around and leave your own witty
saying--see if you can top mine!

PPS Questions?  Comments?  Send them to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Oh, and hey, forward this email to your friends, too--don't leave
them out of the fun!

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