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For a man, ATTRACTION is much more of an
"event", meaning that it's either there or it
isn't. It really doesn't matter whether or not the
woman understands how it works. (As an interesting
side note, if a woman really knows how ATTRACTION
works, and her intention is to manipulate a man,
it usually works VERY well.)

So, think of a woman's "Attraction Mechanism"
more like a volume knob than a light switch.

It's like a fantastic, classy old car that
needs to warm up for a long time before you can
drive it... not like a brand new Honda that you
can start up and get right on the freeway with.

Here's a little secret about women and
ATTRACTION: If you'll just take a little longer in
every situation to AMPLIFY a woman's ATTRACTION,
she'll love you for it... and you'll experience
rewards that will make the extra time you spent
seem like the best investment of your entire life.

Here are a few specific tips for you for the
"Meeting Phase":

1) Start with something STRONG, not WEAK.

When a guy finds a girl interesting, he usually
turns into a ball of nervous mush. Then, he
usually makes the mistake of letting the woman
KNOW that he's nervous and weak.

Don't do it.

Do something STRONG.

Challenge her.

If she thinks that she's cool, make fun of her.
If she's smart, argue with her a little. If she's
doing something, tell her that you could do it

When you PUSH a little, and show some BACKBONE,
she'll push back. That's your sign that the GAME

If you just chase after her like the 100 other
Wussies that have been bothering her this week,
you will just be another boring, predictable face
in the crowd.

2) Keep the TENSION UP.

One of my favorite concepts is "Never let the
line go slack".

This means that once you SPARK the "chemistry"
or "sexual tension", you need to KEEP IT UP.

Just because she starts doing things that hint
to you that she's interested, doesn't mean that
it's time to STOP. Quite the opposite, actually.

Turn UP the volume a little. It's working, so
do more! Sexual Tension is SO important that
I've actually devoted an entire "language" and
way of thinking about it. If you want to learn
how to create Sexual Tension, then use it to
really amplify ATTRACTION and arousal, then
take a minute and look at this:

Click Here for Your Free Newsletter and Ebook Download

3) Tease.

The word "tease" has a couple of meanings.

One of the meanings has to do with doing things
that are slightly annoying to get a response from

The other meaning is subtly different and has
to do with drawing out a response that you want by
doing certain things that indirectly trigger it.

Do both.

If you're about to kiss her, wait until your
lips are so close that you can almost feel her...
and then STOP. Pull away, and smile.

If you want to know how she feels about you,
say, "You LOVE me" in a condescending tone of
voice, and see how she responds. If she says "NO I
DON'T!" in an exaggerated, mocking way, then she
probably DOES "love" you.

Teasing is fantastic. Do more of it.

And here are a few tips for the "End Up" phase:

1) Never become BORING.

Being predictable and boring is a cardinal sin
when it comes to ATTRACTION.

Don't do either.

Of course, telling a man not to be predictable
is like telling a dog not to hump your leg.

Most guys are PAINFULLY predictable.

We LIKE being predictable, actually. I get it.

But, when it comes to a woman you enjoy, you'd
better figure out a way to STOP IT.

There's nothing that will kill the sparks
faster than her knowing what you're about to do or

2) Don't hand over control.

Women like men who make decisions and take the
lead. Now, I'm not saying that women like men who
are overly controlling. What I am saying is that
women don't like guys who are always saying things
like, "I don't know, what do YOU want to do,






