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Written by Neale Donald Walsch   

A commentary on the killing of Osama Bin Laden


The Killing of Osama Bin Laden

Notes from Neale

Hello, Everyone…

Nothing has touched the world so instantly and so dramatically in ten years like the news of the killing of Osama bin Laden by a team of Navy commandos from the United States last weekend. I made not note of it on my personal blog (http://www.amazon.com/dp/0399153292?tag=wwwelitematco-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=0399153292&adid=0SJW9G4QESNRSN6S20EQ&) a few days ago and it drew over 230 Comments in one day.

I want to talk about it here as well, as I believe it will do us all some good to explore and examine our ideas around events such as this.

I said on my blog—and I will say again here—that I was disappointed that among the first words out of President Obama’s mouth was that “justice has been done.” I would much rather have had the President say, “There is no question that many lives have been saved as a result of this event, because no one can doubt that Mr. bin Laden was planning future death and destruction.”

Self-defense feels like an entirely different rationale for killing a person than this idea of human “justice.”

What I want to say here was captured in a few words in the daily I Believe God Wants You to Know message that went out a day or two ago. It said…

…that this is not a day for remembering violence, but for
memorializing your decision to heal every wound that
could cause it.

There is one question that no one will ask of those who use
violence to make their point: What hurts so bad that
you feel you have to hurt me in order to heal it?

This does not condone violence, but it can help us to
understand it – and to understand how to stop it. CwG
says, “No one does anything inappropriate, given their
model of the world.” Embracing the wisdom in those
eleven words could change the course of human history.

As I was contemplating the bin laden event I went into the CWG Material itself to find inspiration and words of wakefulness. Opening The New Revelations I found a fascinating exchange between God and me. It is rather lengthy, so I shall offer just a portion of it here. In the passage that follows, God speaks first…

Even people who do horrible things will stop doing them, if only for a moment, you will ask them why they are doing them.

It is not the basic nature of human beings to be horrible. It is the basic nature of human beings to be loving. When humans are being horrible, it is because of something they believe. Ask them, therefore – even in the midst of horror—ask them:

What hurts you so much that you feel you have to hurt me to heal it?

Now that is a piercing inquiry.

It is a wonderful question to pose in the middle of any disagreement which is causing another to cast negative energy at you. It works in households as well as in international affairs.

But then, having asked the question, you must be willing to listen to the answer. You cannot write the answer off as so much propaganda, or dismiss it out of hand. You cannot ignore it or belittle it or devalue it because you disagree with it. And, of course, you will disagree with it, or no one would be fighting with you.

It is helpful to understand that when someone is fighting with you they are usually fighting for your attention.

If they could get you to hear them, and to help them with what is hurting them, without going to battle with you, they would forego the battle, if only to remove themselves from danger.

But then, why do they go to war, or start a battle? Don’t they know that it is bound to place them in danger?

Because they perceive that dangerous things are already happening to them, or are about to happen to them—and that is what they are trying to stop.

Remember what I told you: When they attack, no nations or groups or individuals think of themselves as attackers. They all think of themselves as defenders.

“What hurts you so much that you feel you have to hart me to heal it?” can therefore be a very useful question.

Yet what if I can’t do anything about what hurts them so much? What if their point of view is skewered, and their demands are unreasonable?

Everybody’s point of view is skewered. Let’s begin with that. You should know that going in.

To be a healer you must understand that nobody does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world.

Does that mean that I have to accept everybody’s point of view as valid?

It means you have to understand that it is valid for them. You have to be ready to say Nine Words That Could Heal the World:

“I can understand how you could feel that way.”

This is a very powerful sentence. It does not indicate that you share another person’s feelings, or agree with something they have done, but it does indicate that you can understand how they could have come to this feeling.

That statement alone can put out huge fires.

End of Excerpt –

As I finish this week’s letter, I realize that there is even more to say on this subject. I invite you to travel over to http://www.amazon.com/dp/0399153292?tag=wwwelitematco-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=0399153292&adid=0SJW9G4QESNRSN6S20EQ& and join the explorations there. And please add to the conversation if you feel moved to. This is a huge topic – not just the life and death of Osama bin Laden, but the whole subject of how to deal with others who use violence or abuse to deal with you.

We’ll continue the conversation here as well, but please join us at my personal internet blogsite… http://www.amazon.com/dp/0399153292?tag=wwwelitematco-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=0399153292&adid=0SJW9G4QESNRSN6S20EQ&

AND, if you would like to get some instant answers out of the CWG material to the whole, larger question of what is happening on our planet during these tumultuous days and times, you may want to take a look at a new monograph I have just completed, titled A World in Turmoil and What It All Means.

For information on how you may obtain this booklet, follow this link…


Love and Hugs,



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Keep-up the good work and thank you for bringing people together from around the world!








