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Why You Should Forget About Attraction PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Don't think too much about the outcome and you will naturally get results

Ever been cheated on? Ever been used by a woman? Ever been
heartbroken? Most men have and it's awful. Completely gut
wrenching. But I have a gift for you today. I decided to record a
free CD, as a gift to my readers, that discusses how you can END
cheating and betrayal by women. This is your gift- from me. But it
won't be available for long. Go here now: 
Hey Guys,
I received an email from a man who's invested in good information,
is taking action, but not yet getting the results he wants.
Why not?  The answer will surprise you... read his question, and my
answer below.
What if everything you ever thought you knew about dating and
relationships was just plain wrong?  Would you keep doing the same
things and getting the same results?  Or would you try something
new and radically different?  To stop dating, and
start living, go to
before this site is removed.
I seem to be really bad at the openers. I can sense a women getting
nervous as I approach. I have tried the mystery method, but it
seems so hard, and I am aware of things now then I have ever been.
I have learned to keep my cool. I just sometimes just sit at a bar
and watch sports and try not to look at women.
That is the only success that I have had. Sometimes they come to
me, but it is few and far between. I know mystery tells you not to
show interest, but nothing seems to work that well. I guess women
can tell.
How can I be more successful? I have studied mystery, David
deangelo, and Ron Lewis and David Copeland, and how to be the jerk
women love. If I can get past the approach, and interest, I can do
ok.......I just can't get that far. I feel like I have been wasting
my money. All all these products have done is make me more aware of


JA:  Thanks for the email Marvin--glad to hear you're investing in
lots of different products and taking action, even if you're not
getting results.
I know exactly what you're going through because I used to deal
with it myself.  I was focused too much on the outcome, and women
can sense that.  Women want things to "just happen," they don't
like to feel like a man is hurrying them along.
The thing to do is, for now, to completely forget about the
outcome.  What you need to do is learn the skill of having
conversations with women.  That's it.  Forget about openers and all
that nonsense and just talk to women with no expectations
whatsoever.  In fact,  you should deliberately NOT move the
interaction any farther until you master this skill.
When you focus purely on becoming a great conversationalist with
women, you start to relax, and you start to have fun.  And then you
start to get good at it.  Then, eventually,  you'll naturally start
continuing those conversations elsewhere or at another time.
That's the gap you're facing, and that's the skill you need to
learn.  But if you focus on becoming a great conversationalist with
women, everything else will follow.  Oh, and one other thing: 
focus on doing this outside of bars as well.  You want to get good
at it in every environment possible.
Ever been cheated on? Ever been used by a woman? Ever been
heartbroken? Most men have and it's awful. Completely gut
wrenching. But I have a gift for you today. I decided to record a
free CD, as a gift to my readers, that discusses how you can END
cheating and betrayal by women. This is your gift- from me. But it
won't be available for long. Go here now: 
On with the fun...

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"
PS It's the one big secret to attraction:


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