Home Blog Dating What to Do When You Feel Uncomfortable
What to Do When You Feel Uncomfortable PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Don't let an uncomfortable feeling stop you from succeeding

Just added: The other day I shared a free report with you, "The
best positions- 2011". Today I have something else for you, it was
just added. Now, I will warn you... it's racy, it's adult... it's hard
hitting... It's written by 2 women, about 2 women. You don't want to
miss this, read it now (online for a short time): 
Hey Guys,
Guess what?  When you start learning the skill of attraction, you
will be uncomfortable.  When you see a woman you want to talk to, 
you will be uncomfortable.
When you go to meet a woman you will feel uncomfortable.  When you
call a woman who gave you her number you will feel uncomfortable.
What if everything you ever thought you knew about dating and
relationships was just plain wrong?  Would you keep doing the same
things and getting the same results?  Or would you try something
new and radically different?  To stop dating, and
start living, go to
before this site is removed.
Why?  I have no idea--but you will.  However, most men let an
uncomfortable feeling stop them, thinking it's a signal to stop.
The successful man interprets it as a signal to go, and acts
despite the uncomfortable feeling.  Why?  Because he knows action
will turn the uncomfortable into comfort.
For whatever reason, anticipation is always worse than the actual
event.  We invent things in our minds that have nothing to do with
reality--the question is, whether you will let it stop you or not.
I've done things such as speaking in public, negotiating with
vendors and suppliers, calling women etc. that produce an initial
feeling of discomfort.  And no matter how much I do it, I still get
that feeling.
But I also know, on an intellectual level, once I'm actually
speaking...or negotiating...or talking...that I'm pretty darn good, and
tend to get my results much more often than not.  I also know that
the initial feeling of discomfort will pass as soon as I start
acting--I've done it so much, it's almost like an unseen hand takes
over and guides me.
And yet I still have to overcome that initial feeling of discomfort
and take action, and there are many times when I don't want to. 
But I simply remind myself of pass successes, and proceed into the
perceived abyss, feeling uncomfortable.
Of course there is no abyss, only another talk or meeting or
negotiation, nothing really different than what I've done before. 
And because I prepare (very important) I also find myself in a much
better position than either the other party (who has a feeling of
discomfort too) or any other man a particular woman has talked to.
So, the bottom line is simply this:  if you want to master the
skill of attraction,  you are going to feel uncomfortable.  You
cannot change that.  What you can change is whether you act or not,
and that becomes easier with the knowing that action produces a
sense of comfort and really is the only way to overcome discomfort.
Don't forget to read this now (coming down SOON!)...
Naughty: The other day I shared a free report with you, "The
best positions- 2011". Today I have something else for you, it was
just added. Now, I will warn you... it's racy, it's adult... it's hard
hitting... It's written by 2 women, about 2 women. You don't want to
miss this, read it now (online for a short time): 
On with the fun...

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"
PS It's the one big secret to attraction:


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