Home Blog Dating Fun at The Office?
Fun at The Office? PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   
Beware of attracting women from your environment

PRIVATE: Some things I share with you are far more "private" than
others. What I'm about to share makes most women MAD... They don't
like to realize this about themselves OR how easy it is for a man
to "get action" from them (this BLOWS their "hard to get" game).
But even if it makes a few women mad, you need to know this...
because come on, we're men and we want ACTION with women, right?
HOT... PASSIONATE... WILD... ACTION. Don't go another day without the
"action" with women that you deserve. Read this immediately: 
Hey Guys,
With both men and women working side by side in the workplace, one
of the questions I get often is, should you date in the workplace?
My answer to this question is below...
What if everything you ever thought you knew about dating and
relationships was just plain wrong?  Would you keep doing the same
things and getting the same results?  Or would you try something
new and radically different?  To stop dating, and
start living, go to http://www.elitematelove.com
before this site is removed.
Thank you very much for helping me out with this. I speak for a lot
of guys when I say that you're truly an inspiration to us all.
One question I have is one I do not think is covered in the
Ultimate System which is why I'm asking it here. 
What are your thoughts about playing in the office? A lot of it
does depend on the environment. The one I am personally in has some
husbands and wives working within the company at various levels
(it's not like it's just an executive vice president and his wife
works in the gift shop). There are managers and team leads married
to each other. I'm in a position where it seems that I'm damned if
I do and damned if I don't. 
Your thoughts? Thanks again. 
JA:  Thanks for the email, Salmaan.  There are a lot of dynamics
that go into making the decision about whether or not to date women
from work.  My personal belief has always been to only date women
outside of that environment, since once you learn the skill of
attraction the whole world is open to you.
When something goes wrong outside of work, it happens in a vacuum. 
You split up, don't see each other again, don't see their friends
or confidants, and there's no basis for rumors.  In an office
environment, there are so many factors outside of your control, and
so many jealous people it can make your life difficult.  People who
want to play in the office but don't have the skill to will
sabotage you, label you as a womanizer, etc. simply to bring you
down to their level.  It can only lead to bad things.
So, unless there is an extraordinary woman in that environment you
think is worth the risk, I'd stay away from dating at work.  Too
many bad things can happen, and you can get the good without the
bad outside of work.
PRIVATE: Some things I share with you are far more "private" than
others. What I'm about to share makes most women MAD... They don't
like to realize this about themselves OR how easy it is for a man
to "get action" from them (this BLOWS their "hard to get" game).
But even if it makes a few women mad, you need to know this...
because come on, we're men and we want ACTION with women, right?
HOT... PASSIONATE... WILD... ACTION. Don't go another day without the
"action" with women that you deserve. Read this immediately: 
On with the fun...
-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"
PS To discover even more attraction secrets, go to:
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EliteMate is something different that I have been part of and I am glad I received an email inviting me to join. The best thing about this site is that we get to meet new people and even find someone for me or anyone else. I have enjoyed every second as a member of EliteMate and it's really cool.


User: ice_girl, Texas








