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The World Just Got Stupider PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Overcome your percieved handicap and be rewarded by success

4 women... ready for you?
Over the past few days I've shared several free reports by Shawna.
Well, Shawna just posted yet another free report and this is the
best yet... In it you get to meet 4 hot, sexy, women who are willing
to reveal everything. Due to this reports content, Shawna does not
plan to keep it online for long. So hurry on over and get yours
now, she's likely to pull it later today:
Hey Guys,
Yesterday I was in the gym, watching the news when they interviewed
a professor from the University of Texas, right here from my
hometown in Austin.
The professor, who'd obviously never spent one day in the real
world, had a new book he was promoting, called "Beauty Pays."
What if everything you ever thought you knew about dating and
relationships was just plain wrong?  Would you keep doing the same
things and getting the same results?  Or would you try something
new and radically different?  To stop dating, and
start living, go to
before this site is removed.
It was a carefully "researched" (meaning he read lots of lots of
books and studies without actually experiencing anything) study
that came to the conclusion that people who are born beautiful are
more successful than ugly people.
Duh.  There's not much of a market for ugly movie stars, models,
and strippers.  So, I'll buy the conclusion, as obvious as it is.
Here's where it gets insidious:  he recommends that people who are
"ugly" should be classified as "disabled" and therefore be granted
special privileges by, of course, the government, the same people
who brought you recovery summer last year.
The professor, of course, is ugly.  And he's not financially
successful, although if he can sell his book (and then big
consulting jobs to the "ugly" industry he's trying to create) he
might be.
I do not begrudge him his book.  I do begrudge his solution of
granting special privileges to people because of the way they look,
and I especially begrudge his implication that because someone is
ugly they are incapable of success.
Last time I checked Martha Stewart ain't appearing in Playboy
anytime soon.  And Ric Ocasek had a pretty good run with The Cars,
and wound up marrying the hottest supermodel of the time.  The
smartest guy I know in business can only be described as ugly.
And yet all these people paid no attention to the notion that they
couldn't succeed because of their looks.  In fact, they worked
smarter and harder to overcome them, giving them skills "beautiful"
people didn't develop.
Beauty, you see, is fleeting, but entitlement is forever.  Many
people start off looking good, but by 40 (or earlier) are "ugly"
due to hard living.  Perhaps they should get a stipend when their
beauty runs out?
This professor is trying to create an artificial industry because
he knows he cannot prosper in a legitimate one.  Sadly, many people
try to do this.  Do not tolerate them in your life, and do not buy
into their redistributionist schemes.
The ability to overcome any perceived handicap is what leads to
success--if you have one, overcome it, and you will be rewarded with
riches the ugly professor will (hopefully) never see.
4 women... ready for you?
Over the past few days I've shared several free reports by Shawna.
Well, Shawna just posted yet another free report and this is the
best yet... In it you get to meet 4 hot, sexy, women who are willing
to reveal everything. Due to this reports content, Shawna does not
plan to keep it online for long. So hurry on over and get yours
now, she's likely to pull it later today:
On with the fun...

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"
PS It's the one big secret to attraction:

User: ice_girl, Texas
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