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Written by John Alanis   

Launching date on one of the best trainings

I have an important date for you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 2 PM Central (that's 3 PM Eastern,
1 PM Mountain, Noon Pacific) I will reveal, once and for all, the
ULTIMATE Place to meet uncommonly sexy women.

I've recorded a special video that reveals the exact location of
this ultimate place in your city, and you don't want to miss it.

That video will go live at the above mentioned time, at this url:


Be sure to bookmark it, so you can be one of the first to see it,
before other men in your town do.  Keep in mind, 108,745 men have
been notified about this video, with more joining my list every
day.  There will be a mad rush to watch it, so it is vital you be
there at the appointed time.

At that time, I will also release 200 of the trainings I created
that show you step by step via instantly accessible video how to
use this ultimate place to meet women so you can meet your kind of
high quality women.

Obviously, these will go very quickly, so you'll want to be in
front of your browser at that time, and hit refresh until it goes

I also want to answer a few important questions I've received from
men emailing me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

QUESTION: I'm an "older guy" (40 plus)--will this work for me?

Yes, most definitely.  There are so many women of so many different
ages at this Ultimate Place, that there's women dying to meet men
of all ages, races, incomes, looks, and social statuses. So, if
you're male, you're breathing, and you're one of the 200 men to
claim your copy of this training, it will work for you.

QUESTION: I don't have much money to spend on meeting women--is the
Ultimate Place expensive?

Shockingly, it costs nothing to get into the Ultimate Place to meet
women, and nothing once you're inside.  It really is 100% free,
which is one reason why I call it the Ultimate Place to Meet Women.

QUESTION: Will it get a lot harder to meet women in the Ultimate
Place if a lot of men find out about it?

The answer to this question is yes, it will.  A LOT harder.  That's
why I'm limiting this release to 200 sets of the training, spread
out across the world.  If too many guys are in on it, it will get a
lot harder.

That's why you have to be ready at 2 PM Central on Thursday,
September 29, 2011, so another man won't take your copy.  I
recommend bookmarking this url:


...and being there when the video goes live at 2 PM on Thursday,
9/29/11.   I also do NOT recommend telling any of your friends in
your hometown about this.

QUESTION: How much is it gonna cost?

I have, in the past, sold training for as much as $1700, and one of
my best ones, my Real Conversations with Real Women goes for
$697.00 (you can verify that by going to


And honestly, I think it's worth at least $997 to show 200 men
where to meet amazing women.  But I am also sensitive to the
current economy, so I'm going to price it a lot lower.  It'll be a
solid price to scare away the men who are not serious, but it won't
break anyone's bank.

QUESTION: I really need this program John... how do I
make sure I get a copy?

Again, just be at this url:


...on Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 2 PM Central so you can be one
of the first men to watch the video when it goes live.

As you know I am limiting this to just 200 copies...and there are
nearly 110,000 men hearing about this, so they'll be gone FAST.
You will definitely want to be in front of your computer at that

Oh, there's one more thing: I'm also throwing in a CRAZY bonus for
the first 100 guys who take action and claim their copy of this

This bonus is worth MORE than the training itself, and "fits"
perfectly with it.

I'll have the details on it tomorrow... so watch your inbox for the


On with the fun...


-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS I've just received the final "cut" of this training, and it
looks good. Very good. I'm going to announce the launch date of
this training tomorrow, so stay tuned to  your email box.

Oh, and like I've said, while you should feel free to pass this
info on to your out of town friends, I recommend you do NOT tell
your local friends. If too many of them know, it will ruin the
"ultimate place" in your town.  That's why I'm going to strictly
limit the number of these trainings released to 200.  And that's
why you'll definitely want to be the man in your town who gets one.

Stay tuned...



User: ice_girl, Texas
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