Home Blog Dating The Importance of Parts
The Importance of Parts PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Boring yourself is uninteresting

WARNING: Don't talk to another woman until you read this...
There are women out there that will return anything... From a pair
of shoes to the man they're dating! Nothing and no one is good
enough for them- they have entitlement syndrome, are selfish, and
simply too lazy to get anything to work for them. This includes the
men they run across, date for a short time, see what they can SUCK
out of him (NOT THE GOOD KIND OF SUCKING EITHER!!), and then will
toss out- like a soiled undergarment. Learn to recognize these
women- and protect yourself!!! Read this very important, free
report here:


Hey Guys,

Today begins a long two weeks for me.  Two whole weeks before
Dallas plays again, with two weeks to ponder yet another
quarterback induced meltdown, two weeks to wonder if the franchise
qb is not so franchise after all.

Luckily, football is not my whole life, just a part of it.  Fitness
is a part, women are a part, money-getting is a part, and there are
many other parts too numerous to mention.

What if everything you ever thought you knew about dating and
relationships was just plain wrong?  Would you keep doing the same
things and getting the same results?  Or would you try something
new and radically different?  To stop dating, and start living, go to


before this site is removed.

When one of those parts is not going well (and rarely do all of
them go well at once), several others usually are and those make up
for it.  Not only that, having lots of parts to your life makes it
that much more interesting.

Most men have very few parts to their lives, and the parts they do
have are dull and boring.  I used to have several friends who lived
everyday for happy hour, so they could drink away what had happened
and what was going to happen.  They are no friends of mine any more.

All women want to meet an exciting, interesting man.  After all,
when was the last time you heard a woman say "I hope I meet a guy
who's dull, boring, and just like all the other guys I meet!"?

You do not that, nor will you ever.  Women are attracted to men who
have many parts to their lives, parts that guarantee something
exciting is always happening.

There is a secret to getting many parts to your life:  they do not
naturally happen.  If you do not actively seek to add parts to your
life, you will never get any.

When I attended my 20 year high school reunion 2 years ago, just
about everyone I met had no parts.  In the intervening 20 years,
they'd added nothing.  They went to the same old jobs, hung out
with the same old people, even drank the same old beer.  They were
dull and boring as dirt.

They also looked beat down, crushed by the same old day in and day
out monotony.  But it was their damn fault--interesting parts are
all around them, just waiting to be picked up.

So, if you want to be a man who naturally attracts money, women,
and opportunity, constantly seek out different parts to add to your
whole.  Not only will you live an interesting life, you will meet
interesting women.

Lots of them.

WARNING: Don't talk to another woman until you read this...
There are women out there that will return anything... From a pair
of shoes to the man they're dating! Nothing and no one is good
enough for them- they have entitlement syndrome, are selfish, and
simply too lazy to get anything to work for them. This includes the
men they run across, date for a short time, see what they can SUCK
out of him (NOT THE GOOD KIND OF SUCKING EITHER!!), and then will
toss out- like a soiled undergarment. Learn to recognize these
women- and protect yourself!!! Read this very important, free
report here:


On with the fun...

-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS It's the one big secret to attraction:




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