Home Blog Dating Why I Love Halloween (And You Should Too)
Why I Love Halloween (And You Should Too) PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Alanis   

Private bad girl shows up for a treat

*** Gift ***
I'm going to introduce you to a woman today. Now, she isn't just
some ordinary woman. She's opinionated and direct. She's physically
fit and ambitious. She knows what she wants- and what all women
want. Get to know her today:


Hey Guys,

When I was a kid Halloween was all about dressing up in a cool
costume, going trick or treating and getting as much candy as you
possibly could.

I remember my parents carefully inspecting each piece of candy I
got, because there were always rumors that some crazed neighbor was
injecting poison into the candy, or putting razor blades into
apples--but what kid wanted to eat apples anyways?

What if everything you ever thought you knew about dating and
relationships was just plain wrong?  Would you keep doing the same
things and getting the same results?  Or would you try something
new and radically different?  To stop dating, and start living, go to


before this site is removed.

Now that I'm an adult, not much has changed--except the nature of
the candy.  Halloween has become an adult holiday, with all the hot
women dressing up in hot lingerie and letting their inner bad girl

Halloween gives women a culturally acceptable reason to misbehave,
and they take full advantage of it.  Walking around downtown Austin
on Saturday night, I saw the largest free lingerie show in the
world, much better than any bag of candy.

Halloween is the best day of the year to meet women, and if you
stay inside you're foolish.  Put on a costume, go out to your
favorite bar and have a good time...costumed women will join you.

If you think age matters in this case, you're dead wrong.  I saw
women in their 20's decked out on Saturday night, and I saw women
in their 50's...and some of the women in their 50's looked better
than the women in their 20's.

I've always said there are two sides to every woman, the public
good girl and the private bad girl.  Men who attract women on a
constant basis know how to appeal to the private bad girl, and make
her feel OK about it.

But on Halloween the private bad girl goes public, and if you want
to cement your belief set about how women really are, you owe it to
yourself to go out on Halloween, especially if you live in a city
like Austin.

It's wild, it's crazy, and you'll see tricks, maybe even get
treats.  There's more candy than you could ever eat, and while you
should always inspect it before consuming, odds are you're not
going to be poisoned.

So go out tonight, dress up, have a great time, and talk to lots of
women.  It's the best night of the year to do so, and just think,
you can still see every woman you meet tonight the other 364 days
of the year.

And if you're really good, maybe she'll dress up on those days too!

What are the "typical" things a woman says she wants in a man? She
says that she wants a good guy, who's sweet, romantic, attentive
and so forth. And what ends up happening? She leaves that guy for a
jerk and a man that's "lesser". That's why you have to be very
careful when you listen to women and get advice from women.
However, there is an exception. Her name is Shelley and she
recognizes what women, like her, really want and what women truly
respond to... and who they end up using & hurting. I strongly
suggest you check out her report


immediately because she doesn't want too many of these secrets to
get out.

On with the fun...


-John Alanis
"The King of Let 'em Come to You"

PS It's the one big secret to attraction:




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