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Older Women, Younger Men PDF Print E-mail
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So I’m sitting across from them in the Whole Food dining area. It’s pretty empty. There are heavy displays of public affection occurring. He is 27 years old looking like he just came off the runway and out of an Abercrombie & Fitch ad – young, sexy, virile – with irresistible European charm. She was 42 looking, well, older. I know this because my curiosity (and staring) took over and next thing you know I’m explaining to them that I am doing an interview on couples in NYC. They agreed to let me harass them with a few questions.

Meet Karina and Luke.

Me: So how long have you two been together?

Karina: A year and two months

Me: How did you two meet?

Karina: I was the photographer for a photo shoot he was doing.

Me (to Luke): So you’re a model?

Luke: No. I work for a company creating apps. It was a shoot for a well known brand.

Me (surprised… he’s smart AND sexy, hmm): Oh, ok

Luke: Anyway we were editing pics, stayed up all night and ended up going to a late night spot for food and drinks and the rest is history.

(Me <in my thoughts> : Why couldn’t my love life be this seamless?)

Back to the interview:

Me: So have you always dated older woman? (Was that rude?)

Me (at Karina): Sorry, that wasn’t meant to come off rude.

Karina (giving me the bitch smirk): It’s ok

Luke: No. She’s the first one but what’s interesting is that I want to start a family with her and she’s the one who doesn’t want that.

I tried to shift the vibe – even though it seemed like I was the only one who projected any discomfort. They were looking at me, waiting.

Me: So what do you love about Karina

Luke (looking at her): What don’t I love? She is sweet. She’s so much fun. She’s driven. And how beautiful is that smile? I miss her face when I’m not with her….She makes the most amazing lasagna. She’s home.


Me: Awwww! That is so sweet. How about you Karina?

Karina: I didn’t think I would meet the one. It had been a few years since I even dated anyone. So I just gave up, put all my energy into my career and then out of nowhere he inconveniently pops into my life.

Me: Why inconvenient?

Karina: Everything shifted. I was forced to become spontaneous, to drop some of my single person habits and experience the happiest time of my life. That’s what he is for me – the love and joy of my life. If you told me it would come in this package – it just would not make sense before. But we realized it doesn’t have to. It feels too great to bother to explain.

They noticed it was 4:09pm. They had a 4:20pm showing of a movie 2 blocks away. I thanked them. They rushed off holding hands.

Before they left, I asked them to rub me for good luck.

Maybe on my train ride home I would unexpectedly meet the man of my dreams and reaffirm twice in one day that anything is possible.






