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The Secret Reason Men Fall In Love
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"Ready For Love" will show you exactly how to get into the right place mentally, emotionally,
and spiritually where love just "flows" into your life...

Do you know what it is that makes a man
fall in love with a woman?

And I mean really and truly fall in love
and want to stay with her for good?

I'm asking because I've got something
important to share with you.

Tell me something honestly...

Do you feel like you're really and truly
ready for love with a man?

If you're like many women I've met and
talked with, then your answer is yes, you
are ready.

You're ready to finally give yourself to
a man who can share and appreciate all the
amazing gifts you have to give.

You're ready for a man to give himself to
you in a way that will commit his mind, body,
and heart to you and your relationship.

You're ready for a man to finally "get"
you and respect your feelings and emotions,
instead of trying to fix or solve them.

You look forward to being able to have a
man you can truly depend on who will be there
and support you no matter what.

And you picture how it's going to be when
you can finally open up and heal the pain
of your past breakups... knowing that you're
in a safe and secure place now.

Ahh... so you must be ready, right?


The truth is, if you followed all of what I
said and this is how you think you're ready...
then you're actually NOT READY.

I'll explain.

If you followed me through all of this,
and felt like I was talking to YOU, and about
YOUR life... then the reality is that the
things that you're probably doing in your
love life are more than likely taking you
FARTHER AWAY from the LOVE that you want.

That's right.

If you believe you're ready because you
know and feel and these things... then it's
time you see that you're doing the EXACT things
that are going to push away the man you're
with and keep you both from ever getting
close enough to experiencing true love.

Sure, all these things above might be
true in your mind, and how a relationship

But these ARE NOT the things that you need
to know for yourself if you want true love
and a lasting relationship with a man to

Here's the thing...

I don't know if you've ever really asked
a man about HIS ideal relationship, but you
might want to try.

Because you're going to get a VERY different
kind of response than the things I talked
about above.

Very different.

In other words, women and men have different
ideas of what a relationship is, and how love
really works.

Hmmmm... (this is where you should be putting
your thinking cap on, by the way)

So does that make men and women just plain
different and INCOMPATIBLE?

Is true love just a myth?



Obviously not. There are TONS of happy
couples out there who share real and lasting

So how do they do it?

How do other WOMEN do it?

Well, the difference is, both partners in
these relationships were really and truly "ready"
not just for love themselves, but for how
love will work with THE OTHER PERSON.

In your case, that would mean that you
would need to be both ready to deal with how
love is going to affect you as a woman... AND
be ready to deal with how A MAN is going to
act and affect you mentally and emotionally.

Are you going to get overwhelmed, angry,
sad, and frustrated with a man when things aren't

Or are you going to have the wisdom, confidence
and knowledge to stay in control and share your
feelings in the way a true lover would?

If you want to take the next step and
regain your confidence, your "emotional center",
and become the kind of woman who's TRULY
ready for love and creates the right situations
for herself without even THINKING about it...
then go check this out now:


Here's the thing.

If you don't have "your act together" when
you're with a man... and you're not conscious
of how your own fears and insecurities can
cause you to act.

Then you're probably going to STAY STUCK
repeating patterns and dead-end relationships
that drain you and lead you from one bad
relationship to another.


Because any time things make you feel
uncertain or fearful... you're going to ruin
your own chances by letting your negative or
fearful emotions take over.

And the man you're with is going to SEE
this and get that bad feeling inside his
stomach that makes him want to pull away
from you for good.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen
this happen to good women.

You have the best of intentions...

You want true and lasting love more than
anything in the world....

You think you know how a relationship
should work...

And you get into relationship after
relationship with men, hoping that this time
it will be different and that he won't be
like the others.

Unfortunately, things don't seem to work
out in the end for 98% of these women.


The short answer is because 98% of men
don't fit these women's picture of how a real
and secure relationship is supposed to work.

Of course, this picture is just an ideal,
and not how things work with a real man.

And it's the gap between these women's
ideals and reality that causes the conflict,
uncertainty, frustration, and fear that ends
up tearing their own relationships apart.

Of course, the other 2% of women actually
DO end up having that great guy show up who
figures out how to make things work for them,
because he "gets it" on such a deep level that
he can hold things together and work through
everything that comes up in their relationship.

Raise your hand if you want to wait around
to be one of the few and "lucky" 2%?

If you're raising your hand, then you can
stop reading right now.

But if you're not waiting around for luck,
and you want to TAKE BACK CONTROL of your
love life and guide yourself to somewhere
better, then you CAN, right now.



Take a look at the free video clips in my
"Ready For Love" program, and see how to take
the first step.

Here's something fascinating...

For most women who have a negative pattern
that's repeating in their love life... it's common
and convenient for them to believe their troubles
come from the OTHER person. (a man)

But the truth is that you have to resist the thoughts
and beliefs that tell you OTHER people are the ones
who are to blame for the problems you're facing
in your life... because that is not how it really is.

In most cases, the problem has more to
do with YOU than anyone else.

If you're tired of the hopeless, loveless, empty
feeling that comes from not being certain that you
can not only ATTRACT a great guy, but make a real
relationship LAST, then it's time you got the monkey
off your back.

It's time you grew to the place inside
where you'll be really and truly READY FOR LOVE.

Luckily, I've created a way to help you take this
process of growth and development that takes some
women years, or even a lifetime, and get results

It's all in my newest program "Ready For Love".

This program has already proven to help real
women transform themselves into the kind of
woman a man can't help but feel "magnetically"
attracted to because of who she is inside.

Go to the link below to get some quick tips
to put to work in your life today and learn
about exactly what's in this program.

You can also watch some of the program
right now online in a free video I've put up
for you... along with real stories from women
who have had their love lives transformed by
this program...


Now, you still might be wondering...

Am I trying to excuse men from all the
bad things they might do or say in

And the countless ways that they can
make connecting and love seem impossible?

No way.

But I'm not talking about men right now.

I'm talking about you.

See, I'm curious...

What would you do if you realized that YOU
were the one creating the negative patterns in
your love life that pushed men away and made
them stop feeling what it is that they started out
feeling for you?

And what would you do if you realized that
the special man in your life didn't want to be with
you anymore because of the way YOU were acting?

Would you know what to do?

Or would you feel paralyzed with pain and
fear, and let true love pass you by?

"Ready For Love" will show you exactly
how to get into the right place mentally, emotionally,
and spiritually where love just "flows" into your life.

I started out creating this program to
help women move past any of the fears or
insecurities inside them that they were
accidentally bringing into their relationships
and pushing men and love away as a result.

But this program became much much more than
moving past problems, fears, and limitations.

It became a guide to reconnecting to that
natural "essence" inside that a man, when he's
around you, will find irresistible and utterly
attractive - without you having to say a word.

In other words, becoming the kind of woman
who attracts a great man into her life without
having to try... and who has an easy time
enjoying and sharing love and affection with
a man that LASTS.

Don't let the love that's possible in your
life, pass you by because you didn't take the
time to make sure YOU were in the right place
for a lasting relationship with a man.

And don't miss this opportunity to find
out what it really is that makes a man feel
so strongly for a woman when he's with her,
that he opens himself up and can't help but
fall in love.

You can read exactly how my new program
"Ready For Love" can help you, and watch a
free video lesson on my website by going here:


If somewhere inside you're secretly
waiting around for a man to be the one to
help you "get there" and get your heart, your
mind, and your love life together... then you
might be waiting a while.

But if you're ready to become the kind of
woman who naturally and effortlessly
attracts love into her life, and AVOIDS
all the pain and frustration from being with
a man when he just doesn't "feel it" for you...
then check out my new program right now.


I'll talk to you again soon, and best of
luck in life and love.

Your Friend,

Christian Carter

jackie730, New Jersey
EliteMate Testimonial

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