The Secret Reason Men Fall In Love PDF Print E-mail
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The Secret Reason Men Fall In Love
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"Ready For Love" will show you exactly how to get into the right place mentally, emotionally,
and spiritually where love just "flows" into your life...

Do you know what it is that makes a man
fall in love with a woman?

And I mean really and truly fall in love
and want to stay with her for good?

I'm asking because I've got something
important to share with you.

Tell me something honestly...

Do you feel like you're really and truly
ready for love with a man?

If you're like many women I've met and
talked with, then your answer is yes, you
are ready.

You're ready to finally give yourself to
a man who can share and appreciate all the
amazing gifts you have to give.

You're ready for a man to give himself to
you in a way that will commit his mind, body,
and heart to you and your relationship.

You're ready for a man to finally "get"
you and respect your feelings and emotions,
instead of trying to fix or solve them.

You look forward to being able to have a
man you can truly depend on who will be there
and support you no matter what.

And you picture how it's going to be when
you can finally open up and heal the pain
of your past breakups... knowing that you're
in a safe and secure place now.

Ahh... so you must be ready, right?


The truth is, if you followed all of what I
said and this is how you think you're ready...
then you're actually NOT READY.

I'll explain.

If you followed me through all of this,
and felt like I was talking to YOU, and about
YOUR life... then the reality is that the
things that you're probably doing in your
love life are more than likely taking you
FARTHER AWAY from the LOVE that you want.

That's right.

If you believe you're ready because you
know and feel and these things... then it's
time you see that you're doing the EXACT things
that are going to push away the man you're
with and keep you both from ever getting
close enough to experiencing true love.

Sure, all these things above might be
true in your mind, and how a relationship

But these ARE NOT the things that you need
to know for yourself if you want true love
and a lasting relationship with a man to

Here's the thing...

I don't know if you've ever really asked
a man about HIS ideal relationship, but you
might want to try.

Because you're going to get a VERY different
kind of response than the things I talked
about above.

Very different.

In other words, women and men have different
ideas of what a relationship is, and how love
really works.

Hmmmm... (this is where you should be putting
your thinking cap on, by the way)

So does that make men and women just plain
different and INCOMPATIBLE?

Is true love just a myth?



