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Corona Virus: Symptoms and Prevention PDF Print E-mail
Written by vipul   


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels



Medical staff diagnose Coronavirus by assessing the patients. They ask if they have the following symptoms:

· Difficulty in breathing

· Cough that starts slow but going severe as it goes on

· Fever with a temperature that starts low-grade but increases eventually

In some cases, people feel severe symptoms and need to be brought to the hospital for emergency medical services. These symptoms include blue lips or face, excessive drowsiness and persistent pain in the chest.

Covid-19 is diagnosed by medical experts using blood, tissue or saliva sample.


To prevent the spread of infection, people are encouraged to develop the habit of washing their hands frequently or using disinfectant. Avoid touching the face when you are not sure if your hands are clean. These hygienic practices can help in preventing the virus from coming inside the body. However, people need to go out for their necessities and during those instances, social distancing is the best way to ensure that they don’t get infected by those who might have Coronavirus. Stay at least a meter away from other people at all times. Avoid physical contact. Always clean your hands when touching doorknobs, phones, computer in public places. Cover your mouth or wear a mask when in public places.



John Masters Organics for Natural Hair Care PDF Print E-mail
Written by vipul   

beautiful woman with long hair

They say that the hair is a woman's crowning glory hence, it is necessary that we take care of our hair by applying the best natural products that don't have harsh chemicals that eventually cause damage to the hair.

One of the best products that have performed wonders as a natural hair care product is the John Masters Organics Evening Primrose Shampoo. Only natural organic wild-harvested ingredients are used to produce John Masters Organics.  These products are wonderful and are sourced from supernatural botanicals and nothing else more. Check it out at John Masters Organics Evening Primrose Shampoo. It comes in various hair care types.

How Do You Lose Those Wedding Dresses Blues PDF Print E-mail
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Brides-to-be, your anxiety over an expensive wedding dress been resolved! Check out all the designers and websites that are now catering to your bridal needs by letting you rent a stunning dress at such affordable rates - here.

The Secret Problems of Other Couples PDF Print E-mail
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Photo courtesy of Pexels.


The Secret Problems of Other Couples here.

Give It 5 Minutes PDF Print E-mail
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Entrepreneur and author Jason Fried on the significance of giving any idea, concept or just about any 5 minutes to mull over before actually making a decision..here.

The New Yorker Festival PDF Print E-mail
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The New Yorker Festival tickets are now available here. So many awesome speakers like Mindy Kaling, Lena Dunham, Malcolm Gladwell and more will be present. It will run from October 6-8, 2023.

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